Thursday, 25 July 2013

multi dhcp range on Untangel / Vodafone Sure Signal


So this evening on my way home from work I purchased a 'Vodafone Sure Signal' unit to sort out the phone signal coverage problem I have for Vodafone.

Upon reading through the manual it turns out that the Sure Signal configures itself from what Vodafone tell it when it connects to them over the web and then all management of the device is done via the Vodafone website, no mention is made to any local management portal for the device (I'll have a look and see if there is one some other time).

Having seen this, I though it best to put it on its own network segment away from everything else (network monkey anyone ?? (hak 5 reference )), probably over cautious of me but better safe than sorry hmm + it gives me chance to practice setting up things for when I add a guest WiFi lan later.

That decided I looked for how to set up the extra dhcp ranges and firewall rules, that lead me to this page on the Untangle site. That nearly completely sorted things for me but I found out that just doing that is not enough.

First, the 'dhcp-range=' commands must come first in the custom DHCP/DNS config field.

Second, the interfaces you want to use for the new dhcp ranges must be configured to match their static IPs to the dhcp ranges
ie. for dhcp range the interface's IP needs to be manually set to a compatible address eg. , as this does not happen automatically when you specify the dhcp range.
Also the NAT Policies need the line / 0 adding you do this by just clicking the add button for that section and leaving the result alone (see image below)

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